Who We Are...

Who We Are

The Harrow African-Caribbean Association (HACAS) is a voluntary community organisation formed in 1991 to bring together the African-Caribbean people, who live in Harrow.

Through our motto 'Unity is Strength' we aim to promote the well-being and interest of our members; provide them with a meeting place; support individuals including the youth and elderly; take up their concerns with statutory bodies such as Local and Central Government in respect of Health, Education, Employment and Training; provide leisure and cultural activities for members and the wider community.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events
  • On Saturday 26thOctober 2024, HACAS held their annual Black History Month celebrations at the Wealdstone Methodist Church Hall – the theme of this event was Honouring their Founding Members. The well-attended event paid Homage to Elaine Jackson JP, Elmore Purcell, Yvonne Bascombe and Mervin Allen who formed the Association in 1991. The event included Presentations on the structuring of the Association, performances by Local Artists and the HACAS Songsters.  
  • HACAS Trophies Award – these trophy awards are to be presented to deserving Members of the community, at certain events.
  • Funding – HACAS has been awarded funding from the National Lottery Community Funders for the Organisation’s work.

  • HERITAGE PROJECT – HACAS is taking part in the Harrow Giving Heritage Project to record our Oral History, for our legacy, which will encompass the journey of Nurses who came from the various Caribbean Islands to make their career in Nursing in the UK covering the era the 1950’s – 1970’s. The Project is being funded by Harrow Giving.
  • Charity Status: HACAS has been awarded Charity Status.

Friday Club

Friday Club

Our Friday Club ensures that retired and elderly members have a place to meet; enjoy good African-Caribbean cuisine, keep fit, leisure activities including day trips and excursions and contribute to cultural and social events.


Dance School

Friday Club

The HACAS Dance School was established in 2002 and offers children and young people in the community, the opportunity to learn dance, mainly street but also other popular dance forms, to have fun and make friends.



Friday Club

The aims of the Mentoring project are to raise aspirations, increase confidence and academic achievement. We primarily work with black boys aged 11-16 irrespective of academic, social & economic background.